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Super Mario Maker 2’s Addictive Story Mode

I just got Super Mario Maker 2 this week. Yeah, I’m running a little late. I’ve been making up for lost time though by playing this game a lot. The mode I’m playing the most? Super Mario Maker 2’s story mode! Super Mario Maker 2 takes everything that was great about the first game and adds to it, plus adds in online multiplayer and…a story mode?! I admit when I first heard there was going to be a story mode…

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Super Lucky’s Tale: Gilly Island DLC

If you've never played Super Lucky's Tale you are definitely missing out. Despite a few hiccups that have plagued platforming titles since the beginning of time, Super Lucky's Tale is a charming adventure platform title that will have you scurrining across four world, collecting coins and clovers, defeating bosses, and bringing peace to the land. For 4.99, owners of Super Lucky's Tale can grab a 5th world, with roughly 3-4 hours of gameplay. While nothing new mechanically is added to the experience, the new character and world are definitely wroth the 5 bucks ...

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Just A Night In the Woods?

How do I even explain Night in the Woods? How do you judge a game when you don’t fully understand it? Night in the Woods for Nintendo Switch is unlike any game I’ve ever played before. Its an adventure game, sure, but it has platforming, some puzzles, and lots of wandering around. Night in the Woods is more story focused than anything else. Its basically an interactive story? Although even that sounds like its selling the game short. Lets take…

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