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Partner Showcase


Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase + Indie World Announced for Tomorrow

Nintendo has announced that there will be a Partner Showcase + Indie World video tomorrow. We have the details below! There will be a Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase and Indie World video tomorrow at 7 a.m. PT/9 am central. They will be livestreamed air back-to-back. Together they will be 40 minutes in total. Oh wow. I never thought this would happen. It had been rumored that there would be a Direct this week but I brushed it aside. I didn’t…

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Nintendo Direct Mini and Nintendo Treehouse Plays (Video)

Nintendo had a Direct Minit today focusing on third party games, plus they also released a Treehouse video where they played Live A Live! Check out the videos below. I thought the Nintendo Direct Mini was pretty good. I was especially happy that Dragon Quest Treasures was shown and given a launch date. That game looks really good. I’m also happy that the Persona games are finally coming to Nintendo Switch. Persona 5 was given a release date for October…

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Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase Announced For Tuesday 6/28

Nintendo announced a Direct Mini for Tuesday (6/28). We have more information about it below and some thoughts on it. A Nintendo Direct Mini will air tomorrow (6/28) at 8am central time. It is a partner showcase and will have info on third party games. It will be 25 minutes long! So, of course, this means there will be no Nintendo games shown during the Showcase. What exactly could be shown? Well, first of all, its very likely that we’ll…

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