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Peggle 2 Coming December 9th


Peggle 2, the pin-popping puzzle game from Popcap, will be making its debut at the beginning of next week, exclusively for the Xbox One. It’s a timed exclusive, and it’ll make the jump to other consoles at some point in the future, but until then you’ll need Microsoft’s latest if you want to play the long awaited sequel to one of the better Popcap titles.

It’s hard to tell how long Peggle 2 will be exclusive for. It could be anywhere from a couple of months (as with Plants Vs Zombies 2 on iOS) to over a year.

Alongside the release date announcement, Popcap also revealed a few other factoids about the game.  For instance, all but one of the abilities are new for the sequel. Bjorn the Unicorn returns, and his guide power remains the same, but the four other masters have all-new powers, including one that is able to drop a boulder through pegs and another that allows you to travel through blue pegs. There’s also an ice move, that causes pegs to shift out of place.

There will be five Peggle masters, each with ten levels. Each level will contain three different objectives, so the scope for replayability is quite high.

Peggle 2 isn’t the only Popcap timed exclusive for Microsoft. Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, the third person action title announced at E3, will be exclusive to Xbox One and 360 when it releases in February next year.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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