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Skyrim Isn’t Coming to PS4, Xbox One


Last week, Bethesda accidentally teased their fanbase with the unveiling of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One edition of Skyrim on their online store. The community went mad, some wondering why it was a necessary addition to new generation machines, others excited to once again explore a now refreshed, graphically improved land. Whatever your opinion, it isn’t going to happen.

From Pete Hines’ Twitter account:

We have been working on the CMS that runs our sites. A bug caused platforms that don’t exist to show up for some games. Sorry for confusion

Those that were excited are understandably disappointed. Without a decent gaming rig, there’s a lot of Skyrim fans who won’t ever get to play it as it should be played: in 1080p, with high quality textures. It’s an amazing looking game (even on console), and it would have massively benefited from an overhaul.

Just because Skyrim isn’t currently coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen, especially given that there was some excitement from the community. With that said, there’s been a lot of Bethesda-based excitement in the last few months, and none of it has been official. Hines commented on that as well.

Why do fans feel need to pull these hoaxes on other fans?


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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