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Miitomo Preview (Japanese App Store)
In October 2015 Nintendo's brand new smartphone game was revealed to the world: Miitomo. Initial thoughts were mixed, even from me. The common consensus was that the app was just a toned down version of Tomodachi Life for your portable device. Well, the app just came out in Japan and I got my hands on the English version of it. So, what is Miitomo?

Freemium Disney Magic Kingdom Game coming from Gameloft
Gameloft is known for making some pretty sweet games, but also for making some duds. However, Disney must have faith in them as the company famous for Mickey Mouse has teamed up wtih Gameloft to release a new, adventure park creating game called Disney Magic Kingdoms. To be honest, I'm surprised this hasn't existed until now. Although we don't usually cover these types of games on Games Reviews I'm making an exception for one, main reason. I am a huge Disney fan, and just recently returned from a trip to Disney World and on the Disney Magic cruise ship. We will take this title for a spin when it gets released, but until then, read this press release and logon to the website to sign up for some sweet premium benefits when the game launches.

Nintendo to Launch Mobile Games in 2017: What Should we Expect?
Traditional consoles have stood the test of time owing to their dynamic, high-quality, gaming experiences. Gaming as a whole, however, has evolved drastically with time, with players relying heavily on new technology as their primary medium of play. Nintendo has not been partial to the shift, spending the last few years developing five games for release on smartphones in March 2017. The news, needless to say, has been taking the gaming world by storm. The News By March 2017, Nintendo…

Family and Gaming: The Ideal PS4 Headset
Playing games while your kids are sleeping is a delicate balance between having your game audio on and still being able to hear your children who may be sleeping way across the house. One thing I've realized is that you CANNOT do it wearing an over-the-ear headset; you can't hear if a child wakes up, cries, or even has coughing fits. There really isn't a great alternative on the PS4 (or the Xbox One / Wii U for that matter) that will give you chat functionality and game audio without drowning out the needs of your kids.

Fantasy Life 2 in development
Fantasy Life was my Game of the Year in 2014. It worked really well on 3DS and I still find myself jumping into it on a weekly basis. While I'll be passing on the mobile version, it does open up the world of Fantasy Life to a wider audience.

Opinion: Gamers Want more “Ori”
A new wave of developers is taking over the consoles and they are releasing polished and interesting games. Some companies do it from a central office - Image and Form Games is based in Sweden, and are best known for SteamWorld Dig and the upcoming SteamWorld Heist - while others are pulling from the best talent around the planets, such as Moon Studios, the company behind Ori and the Blind Forest.

Hotline Miami 2 Developer Responds To The Game’s Banning In Australia
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number has been banned for sale in Australia after the Australian Classification Board refused the game due to an implied rape scene. The scene in question is optional, and it can be skipped by a notice that warns of the content alluding to sexual violence which the user must choose yes or no to continue. Yet according to the classification report of Hotline Miami 2 it is still being refused classification:

Microsoft Buys Mojang and Minecraft for Estimated 2.5 Billions
It is official. Mojang posted on their own website that, "Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft." This is probably great news for Microsoft as purchasing a giant such as Minecraft is bound to make them a lot more than they spent. One thing Microsoft isn't getting, however, is the brilliant mind of Minecraft creator, Notch.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Online coming to iPad in 2014
It has been suggested by fans and shareholders for years. It has been rumored from many major media outlets. It has been teased by Nintendo brass themselves in January. And now it is official. It's not Mario, but Nintendo is bringing arguably their second largest franchise to iPad in 2014, and I for one could not be more excited.

Godus Scores big on iTunes despite mixed reaction Online
If you read reactions to Peter Molyneux's latest game online, you'd probably try to steer clear. General reaction to Godus has been vaguely negative, attacking Molyneux's promises (for a change), as well as the slow pressure to buy in-app purchases. Apparently that's exactly what iOS users were hungry for, however, as the game currently has 1500 ratings and four and a half stars on the app store.