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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Starfield looks AMAZING

I watched the Xbox/Bethesda showcase today and I thought…well…it was okay. It started out well and it ended well, but the middle was a bit of mess. Diablo IV looked great but there were a lot of smaller games too that looked just alright. It wasn’t Xbox’s best showing. That said, Starfield completely knocked my socks off. What an amazing looking game. Let’s talk about it!

Starfield has been teased for awhile. Its from the creators of Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Bethesda knows how to create really big, open worlds. In Starfield they are creating their most ambitious game yet: a game full of big open WORLDS. More than one world. One thousand to be exact!

We finally saw gameplay of Starfield at the Xbox/Bethesda showing today. I admit when it first started, I thought it looked good but maybe rough. As the footage progressed, the game looked more and more amazing. The stuff on the ground looked like Fallout meets No Man’s Sky. The exploration was totally Fallout. But you could also create a base like No Man’s Sky. The ship creation looked fantastic and the character creation looked cool.

And then there was the outer space stuff. W-o-w. My jaw was on the floor. It reminded me of No Man’s Sky but even better. The worlds, the asteroids, everything about it was stunning.

Overall, Starfield amazed me. It made me wish I had an Xbox system. I really want to play this game! I hope it doesn’t stay exclusive to Xbox forever. I do want to get a PS5 sooner or later. Hopefully it’ll come to that. Starfield just looks like a game that needs to be played.

Oh and exploring a thousand worlds. Wow. I hope this game is as great as it looks! Starfield could be very well be the game of 2023 if it is. Thats saying a lot too because Breath of the Wild 2 and Diablo IV and who know what else is coming next year. Whew.

What do you think of Starfield?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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