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Cycle Chaser H-5 Review

Cycle Chaser H-5

Release: January 24, 2025
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: PD_CGT
Genre: Action, Adventure, Genres, Indie, Nintendo 3DS Categories, Nintendo 3DS Reviews, Shooter, Video
PEGI: 12


Worth a Play About Rating
7.0 - Gameplay
7.0 - Video
7.0 - Audio

2D sidescrolling shooters is a classic genre that’s been around forever. Cycle Chaser H-5 is the newest game for Nintendo Switch that dives into that genre. Is it as fun game? Here’s our review of Cycle Chaser H-5!

400 years ago, Aliens, lead by a brainwashed soldier, invaded the Earth and occupied it. Now a pilot has decided to save the soldier and defeat the aliens. This is the story of Cycle Chaser H-5, a 2D shooter. It’s a neat story and its introduced quickly by the game and then off you go into the more important gameplay.

Cycle Chaser is a 2D sidescrolling shooter. You control a spaceship as you shoot at wave after wave of enemies, with boss fights and different backdrops for new areas that you visit. There are three different weapon styles and four difficulty modes. The easiest mode is Free Run mode, where you have infinite lives and nothing can destroy you.

If you want to unlock all the levels and see what the game has to offer, the best mode is Free Run mode. Once you’ve unlocked the levels, you can try out the other difficulties and get your name on the score board. The Free Run mode doesn’t track your score but the other modes do.

The game controls really well and it’s a pretty basic 2D side-scrolling shooter. We’ve seen a lot of games like this game and Cycle Chaser doesn’t do anything different from past games in the genre. That said, if you want a fun little 2D sidescrolling distraction, you could do far worse. It’s a nice-looking game too.

Cycle Chaser H-5 is a nice-looking game that straddles the line between simplistic and stylish. The cartoon look fits the game well. The audio is the game is nice too, with a beat that is pleasing and doesn’t get annoying at all.

Overall, Cycle Chaser H-5 is a fun 2D side scrolling shooter. It doesn’t do anything unique but if you’re looking for a neat new 2D shooter to play, you could do much worse than this game. It’s a nice distraction for a little bit.

Thanks to Ratalaika Games for providing a digital code for this review. Cycle Chaser H-5 is available on the Nintendo Switch eshop.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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