I Am Setsuna, an rpg published by Square Enix, will be a launch title for the Nintendo Switch! We have more details below. I wrote about my excitement for I Am Setsuna recently and I’m happy to report that the title was announced as a Nintendo Switch launch title today. It will be available digitally at launch for North America and Europe. Here is how I am Setsuna is described: ““I AM SETSUNA follows the story of Setsuna, a young…
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More Thoughts From Me Fire Emblem Edition: Echoes of the Past and Future
When Nintendo announced that there would be a Direct this week for Fire Emblem, I tried not to set my hopes too high. It was very likely that only Fire Emblem Warriors and maybe that Fire Emblem mobile game would be shown. This week, we found out the mobile title would indeed be shown. I was still trying my hardest not to get excited about today’s direct, however I was secretly hoping that we’d get a new 3DS game. As…
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Fire Emblem Direct Tomorrow
Last week, we found out that Nintendo would be holding a Fire Emblem Direct. It was thought then that Nintendo would only be showing off the upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors for the Switch. Now we know that more than one title will be shown during the Direct. In fact, we know about one other “game” that will be shown during the Direct. Find out about that below. I will also offer some speculation as to what else might be shown.…
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Indie Games Can Survive on Switch Early
Indie developers with games near completion need to push their products to market for the first few months following the launch of the Nintendo Switch. Your average Switch owner will be very busy with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but how long will that last. Within a month, you will see the drop off begin and people will be looking for what's next. With what seems like minimal interest in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, there is an open window for some indie games to make a big impact.
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More Thoughts From Me #52: Play & Learn
This More Thoughts From Me is about Edutainment games. You can and should learn from video games. Its great to have a fun game that has an entertaining story. We all want that escape from reality. Fun is important. But why can’t you, sometimes at least, have fun and learn something too? Most people seem to think of Edutainment as a genre for kids. Many of these games are, in fact, designed for little kids. Some, such as Brain Age,…
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Farming Simulator for Nintendo Switch Revealed, 18 on Vita and 3DS
After having enticed millions of players on PC and consoles, Farming Simulator comes back in 2017 with exciting new announcements. First of all, the most complete Farming Simulator experience makes a grand return on PlayStation®Vita system and Nintendo 3DS™ as Farming Simulator 18. Developed by GIANTS Software, Farming Simulator 18 brings a load of new features for virtual farmers to harvest fields in the palms of their hands!
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Almost Missed It: I Am Setsuna For #NintendoSwitch
I had no idea what I Am Setsuna was and didn’t think I’d care. I saw the name listed in Nintendo’s recent 2017 Nintendo Switch lineup image on twitter. No video was shown of it during the Switch presentation nor during Treehouse Live. What was this game? I passed it over and didn’t think about it much. Then, I saw a Nintendo Enthusiast video that showed off a lot of games that are coming for the Switch this year. One…
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Fire Emblem Nintendo Direct Next Week
One of the games I keep forgetting to mention from last nights presentation is Fire Emblem Warriors. Not much was shown of the game and we know nothing about it expect for the title. That will change next week when Nintendo holds a Direct for the game. On January 18th (next Wednesday), Nintendo will have a Direct for Fire Emblem Warriors. They are calling it a Fire Emblem Direct. Fire Emblem Warriors is most likely an action game much like…
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#SwitchAnticipatedTitles: Project Octopath Traveler
Square Enix does a lot of rpgs for the 3DS, but its not often that we see them do rpgs for a Nintendo home console. Last night, it was announced that Dragon Quest 10 and 11 will hit the Switch in Japan. Also Dragon Quest Heroes 1 + 2 was announced for the Switch. And finally, Square showed off a brand new rpg. The new rpg was the game that caught my attention. Yes, I do want Dragon Quest 11…
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Nintendo Switch 2017 Lineup
Thanks to an image Nintendo posted on twitter, we now know some of Nintendo Switch’s lineup for 2017. Please take a look at the following image and read my thoughts on the lineup. Right now, we know five games that are coming to the Nintendo Switch on launch day: Breath of the Wild, 1-2 Switch, Super Bomberman R, Skylanders Imaginators and Just Dance. I can see Breath of the Wild and Skylanders selling well. I suppose Just Dance might do…
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