Hey, its a new year! 2024. What games am I looking forward to this year? Let’s talk about it! 2024 is finally here. And you know what that means…new games! Here are the ten games I can’t wait to play in 2024…. 10. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes: HD-2D like graphics, Suikoden-like gameplay! Sign me up! 9. Visions of Mana: I’m not a huge Mana fan but this one looks its going to be a can’t miss. Its going to be…
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More Thoughts From Me: Ten Favorite Games of 2023
This has been a really amazing year for video games. I didn’t get to play everything but I played a lot of games. Here are my top ten favorite games of 2023! 2023 was such an amazing year for video games. A lot of cool games came out this year. I didn’t get to play them all. You may even notice that Super Mario RPG and Pikmin 4 are not on this list. I didn’t get to play them. I…
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Pokemon Scarlet/Violet DLC Epilogue Announced
An epilogue for the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet DLC The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero has been announced. We have the details along with a trailer below. The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero epilogue will be available on January 11th, 2023. You’ll have to complete a certain post game event and have completed the entire two parts of The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero DLC to play the epilogue. The trailer doesn’t show much expect that you’ll be traveling back to The…
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Pokémon Scarlet: The Indigo Disk DLC First Impressions
I liked the first Pokémon Scarlet DLC but felt that it was just more of the same. And now here is second Scarlet DLC. I’ve been playing it. What do I think of it so far? Here are my first impressions of The Indigo Disk! I really like Pokémon Scarlet. I also liked its first DLC. And so I was excited for The Indigo Disk… But I was not prepared for it! The Indigo Disk, so far, is much better…
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RIP E3: The end of Era
Well, its over folks. E3 is over. Thats all folks! Here’s the official statement and some thoughts for us after. RIP E3. We knew this was coming. E3 was taking on less importance and the event didn’t even take place this year or last. The writing seemed to be on the wall. And so now here we are. Its been officially confirmed that there will be no more E3. With the rise of digital events, first from Nintendo, then Sony…
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Born of Bread Review
Born of Bread is another indie game thats inspired by Paper Mario. Is Born of Bread worth checking out? Let’s go see what’s in the oven. Here’s our review of Born of Bread for the Nintendo Switch. In Born of Bread, a cook is just trying to make dinner for his queen when someone comes along with a new recipe. He puts it in the oven and next thing he knows: he’s a dad. Wait, what? Well, you see the…
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Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Launch Trailer
Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince comes out tomorrow (12/1) for the Nintendo Switch. Check out the launch trailer below along with some thoughts on the game. Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince is out tomorrow, December 1st, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch. I love Dragon Quest. It is, without a doubt, my favorite jrpg franchise. I reviewed Dragon Quest 11 S for the Switch and gave it a 10 out of 10. I also enjoyed Infinity Strash and Treasures.…
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Arcadian Atlas Is Coming to Consoles Next Week
Arcadian Atlas, a strategy rpg, is coming to consoles next week! Check out the launch trailer below. Acadian Atlas is coming to Nintendo Switch, Playstation, Xbox, and STEAM on November 30th. Thats next week. This game looks really cool. Its a strategy rpg that reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Orge. I love the art style and just everything I see about the game so far. It’ll make a great addiction to all the systems, though…
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What the Duck Review
What the Duck is a new indie action rpg that released recently for the Nintendo Switch. Is it a good game or should this duck be sent back to its pond? Here’s our review! What the Duck is an indie action rpg where the hero decides to find his spirit animal and it turns out to be…a duck! The duck has special powers and will help you on your quest. The quest involves a meteor destroying a town and a…
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In Stars and Time Review
Are you looking for an indie rpg thats unique, while also feeling like its something could’ve been on the NES or Gameboy? Then you should check out this review for In Stars and Time for the Nintendo Switch! In Stars and Time is an indie rpg that looks and plays like an old school NES or Gameboy jrpg. The story, however, is totally unique and different from what we’ve seen from those old games. In this game, you’ll play as…
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