When the clock ticks past 11:59 PM on New Years Eve and everyone celebrates a new year, its hard not to reflect on the past year, and what’s to come, whether in our personal lives, professional lives, or even our gaming lives. Nintendo easily won 2017, despite Sony having a really good showing, and although Microsoft launched a new console this year, it seems to have already sold the bulk of its units to early adopters, as sales have drastically trickled off. But what does 2018 have in store? Can Nintendo maintain - let alone build on - the successes of 2018? ...
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Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft Consumer Report – From Least Concerned to Most in 2018

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Preview
In Max: The Curse of Brotherhoodfor the Nintendo Switch, the main character decides that his brother has to go. So Max goes to a website, looks up a spell, reads the spell, waits, and a monster grabs his brother and takes him through a portal. Wait. What?! Max didn’t think the spell would actually work! Thats obvious. And so he decides right away to jump into the portal and go get his brother back! Thanks to Stage Clear Studios, who…
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Editor-in-Chief Adam Roffel – Favorite Game, Most Played Games of 2017
The year is coming to a close, and although I didn't do my annual game of the year poll like I usually do, I thought I would lay down my Game of the Year, as well as my most played games this year. Lets dive in and check them out!
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More Thoughts From Me #100: A Glimpse Into the Future
Welcome to More Thoughts From Me #9000. Thanks for reading my column this long. Adam Roffel just got me out of the cryo unit last week and now I’m update to date on whats going on with Nintendo! Oh my god. Can you believe this new system they’ve announced? Last week, Nintendo announced their newest system: the Nintendo Freeze-1000. This time the chip goes right into your Arm unit and then you plug the Arm right into your brain. Forget…
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More Thoughts From Me #99: Square Enix Brings An Old Skool RPG to the Switch
Where is that Virtual Console Nintendo? A lot of people keep wondering when (and how) Nintendo bring a Virtual Console to the Switch. It would be really nice to play some old Nintendo games on the system. Square Enix isn’t waiting on Nintendo though. Last week, the developer/publisher brought a remaster of an old game to the Switch. This game, however, was never released in the United States before. The game in question is Romancing Saga 2! Here are my…
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Press release: LEGO(R) Marvel Super Heroes 2 Adds DLC Pack Inspired by Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
I have Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 and its season pass. I’m especially happy about that today because the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 DLC is out now! I haven’t had the chance to try it out yet, but I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Perhaps I’ll talk about it in a future More Thoughts column. For now, please check out the press release below for more information on this new DLC! “Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment…
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Dragon Quest Builders Being Published by Nintendo in North America
Dragon Quest Builders is coming to Nintendo Switch in February 2018, and it was announced recently that Nintendo would be the publisher behind the title. Dragon Quest Builders first launched on PlayStation 4 early in 2017, with fairly favorable reviews from critics around the globe. Along with all the content available in the PlayStation 4 release, the Nintendo Switch version will also include some exclusive content, so fans of the game on PS4 might want to take the dive again on handheld.
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Last Minute Nintendo Switch Game Gift Ideas: Ben 10, Party Planet, and more!
Most parents have probably finished up all their Christmas shopping with only a couple days to spare, but there are still a number of quick gifts parents can get their kids on the Nintendo Switch. We've been plowing through a few of 2017's latest releases, and while we won't have full reviews on them for a while, want you to be aware of them none-the-less. Right now, lets take a look at Ben 10 and Party Planet!
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Get to the Fallout Shelter: A Preview of 60 Seconds for Nintendo Switch
Long ago, in a galaxy not so far away (the United States), people thought that the atomic bomb would drop on them at any second. So some of those people built fallout shelters. This is something that really happened. However, the bomb never dropped in the U.S. In the video game 60 Seconds for the Nintendo Switch though, the atomic bomb will hit in…you guessed it…60 Seconds. And so as the head of the household its your duty to grab…
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Tear Down That Fourth Wall: A Look At Yooka-Laylee’s Writing
I’ve said again and again in my reviews of platformers that these types games usually don’t have good stories. In general, the writing in platformers is anywhere from “well, its a fun game” to “cringe, cringe, cringe”. There are exceptions to that rule though, such as Ratchet & Clank and Super Paper Mario. And awhile Yooka-Laylee for Nintendo Switch doesn’t have as good a story as Ratchet & Clank or Super Paper Mario, it does have excellent dialogue! Warning: there…
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