Earlier this month, we posted our first major article around Wingspan, a very detailed "How to Play" which you can check out here. If you are going to read our detailed review here, but haven't read the "How to Play" we strongly suggest reading that first! In Wingspan, players will add birds to their habitats in an attempt to score points. The most points after 4 rounds is the winner. But does Wingspan provide enough strategy with their bird mechanics to make this game fun, and more importantly, re-playable? Let's take look.
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Wingspan European Birds Expansion Impressions
If you haven't read our fantastic articles on How to Play Wingspan, as well as our complete review, definitely go check those out before diving into this one. These impressions of the first expansion for Wingspan - European Birds - will go with teh assumption that you either have played Wingspan before, or know how to play! Thanks again to Stonemaeir Games for sending over this expansion for us to review! Let's dive in!
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Marvel United Review
A few weeks ago, we posted our "How to Play" article for Marvel United, which you can read here. Ever since then, we have been playing game after game of Marvel United, beating the three included villains multiple times. But does Marvel United hold up over the long term, and is there enough here to justify a purchase? Let's get into it with our full review of Marvel United, created by CMON Games and published by Spinmaster.
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How to Play Marvel United
Ahead of our full review of CMON (Designer) and Spinmaster's (Publisher) board game, Marvel United, we wanted to make sure our readers understood the ins and outs of the game. While easy to understand when on the table, it is actually pretty hard to put into words exactly how to play, without just copy-pasting from the games rulebook. Thankfully, Spinmaster and CMON have put together a "How to Play" video on YouTube, which we are linking below.
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Wingspan – Setup and How To Play
Wingspan has taken the board game world by storm since winning the 2019 Kennerspiel des Jahres for best connoisseur game of the year. Designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and published by our friends at Stonemaier Games, this 1-5 player game will have you placing birds in specific habitats to score points, with the winner having the most points after 4 rounds. Let's talk about the setup, and then look at how Wingspan plays.
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Through the Ages: New Leaders and Wonders Expansion Review
Through the Ages is one of the best board games, both in my opinion and based on the opinion of millions of users on Board Game Geek. While the game appears incredibly complex when you get it out of the box - there literally are hundreds of cards to sift through, sort, and set up! - the game play is so intuitive and easy to understand, and by your third or fourth round, it will all feel very natural.
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Dark Harvest Board Game Review
Thanks to our friends at Skybound and Sideshow Collectibles, I had the early opportunity to play Dark Harvest, a game about harvesting and spending souls, as well as influence tokens, to...well...get more souls. Because to win at Dark Harvest, you need to have the most souls in your possession, and how better to get souls than to get some great reapers on your side. But does Dark Harvest deliver enough fun to warrant the $25 price tag? Let's take a look!
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Charterstone Review-in-Progress
Thanks to our good friends at Stonemaier Games, we had the fantastic opportunity to play Charterstone, a legacy board game experience spread over 12 campaigns. You and your friends have been dropped into the world of Charterstone, and are required to build a charter in the name of the Forever King. As you play, build buildings, collect resources, and grow your empire, your fellow players will be doing it as well. Everyone competes game-in-and-game-out to not only win that specific game, but win the entire campaign. Let's jump in!
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Tiny Towns is the Perfect “Gateway Game”
Over the many years of playing Board Games, I've found that there are two different types of board game players. First, there are those that play traditional board games like Monopoly, Risk, and now, yes even Settlers of Catan. Then there is another breed of board game players that venture out into more difficult and deep experiences, such as Scythe, Isle of Skye, Tapestry, and more. Without actually being forced from the former into the latter, it's actually difficult to get someone to move into the latter category. Enter what I think is the perfect "gateway ...
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Holiday 2019 – Board Game Gift Guide
With the holiday season upon us, each year we aim to provide quick and easy information on some of our favourite games for those who are looking to purchase a gift for a friend or family member. To that end, we have collected the list of our favourite board games of 2019 and are sharing them with you here! All of these games have been reviewed by us, and none of the links below are affiliated. We are simply looking to help you find the best games that will be sure to please anyone on your list! Let’s dive in!
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