My Little Scythe is the kids friendly, less intense version of the popular board game Scythe, but Stonemaier Games. Will the original Scythe is a complicated, detail heavy board game experience meant for established and veteran board game players, the more basic My Little Scythe is a great way for young and old alike to enjoy the concepts established in Scythe, but in a more manageable, and much shorter, way. While I would argue this title is aimed at kids, can it possibly hold the attention of adults as well? Let's dive in!
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When I Dream Review
If you enjoy playing games like Apples to Apples, or party games in general, there is a (somewhat) new kid on the block who is sure to make your next large gathering incredibly enjoyable. Although When I Dream was originally released many years ago, the game has gone through a reprint, with brand new cards, artwork, and event extra goodies that make the package that much more enjoyable. But even though the game looks aesthetically pleasing, does it work well in a group setting? Let's dive into When I Dream, and see how it all works.
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Unlock! Escape Adventures Review
If you've never been to an Escape Room before, I strongly suggest getting a group of friends together and giving it a try. It is a fantastic experience for going out with friends, as well as a great teambuilding exercise for companies. For those who have tried an Escape Room, or just cannot find the time to get out to one, Unlock! Escape Adventures offers a very similar experience, but in the comfort of your own home. With multiple different adventures to choose from with a varying degree of difficulty, there is something for everyone! Let's dive in.
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Ticket to Ride New York
Ticket to Ride has been around for a long while, and the game has gone through many iterations. From player-on-player games in Europe and North America, to team games in Western Europe, Ticket to Ride is always attempting to do something a little different with each release. Ticket to Ride New York is a huge break from the franchise, bringing forward a very short, very simple experience that is likely to draw in more players than a traditional game in the franchise would? But is it worth owning? Let's dive in and take a look!
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Fae – Board Game Review
Back in 2002, Z-Man games released a title called Clans, a quick 30 minute experience that had players moving pawns around a fantasy map to score points. For what ever reason - perhaps Clans was very popular? - Z-Man decided to relaunch the game under a new coat of paint, and in 2018 released the refreshed version of Clans called Fae. Fae is designed by Leo Colovini, and is a 2-4 player, 30 minute experience that, like Clans, has players moving druids around a map in order to score points. Let's dive in and take a look!
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Forbidden Light Themed Decks – Pokemon Trading Card Game
Last week while away on family vacation, I was able to dive into the themed decks for the latest Pokemon Trading Card Game expansion, Forbidden Light. Although neither of decks incorporate the Prism Star cards, both include a number of cards that will be great for building your own custom decks. Are these decks, on their own, worth playing with? Let's take a look!
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Dream Home: 156 Sunny Street Expansion
Dream Home: 156 Sunny Side is the first expansion for the family friendly title Dream Home, designed by Rebel and published by Asmodee. We praised the original game as an experience that can be shared by all (from 7 up), and more importantly, be enjoyed by all. This is a rare opportunity when it comes to board games, so when we find one this great, we love talking about. It an expansion makes it so much better.
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Dream Home Is Fun for All Ages
Finding board games to play with my kids is an incredibly difficult task, so when we do find something that provides equal amounts of entertainment for my wife and I, and the kids, we jump at the opportunity. Dream Home gives us that opportunity. Building a home has never been so much fun, and with multiple scoring options that are simple yet expansive, there is definitely fun for all ages!
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Pokemon Sun and Moon Spring 2018 Tins
With the launch of the Forbidden Lights expansion for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, The Pokemon Company also launched their latest Spring 2018 Tins. As with all Pokemon tins, this set comes with 4 booster packs - one from the Crimson Invasion expansion, and three others form earlier expansions - and a special holograph card.
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Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Thames Murders Review
In and effort to expand our readership and serve our current readers better, we have begun moving into the realm of Board Game Reviews. As board games become more popular, many from the video game community are splitting their time between virtual experiences and tabletop experiences. In this latest review, we are taking a look at Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, designed by Raymond Edwards and published by Asmodee.
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