People all over the world are doing the right thing by staying home to help contain the spread of COVID–19. We are deeply grateful to everyone practicing physical distancing and take our responsibility as a home entertainment platform seriously, so we are asking our community to continue supporting the safe choice and the need to Play At Home.
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Review
One Piece is a Japanese anime television series adapted from the manga of the same.. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber (Think Mr. Fantastic doing martial arts) after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. With his crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy explores the Grand Line in search of the world’s ultimate treasure known as “One Piece” in order to become the ...
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 First Impressions
I was not familiar with what One Piece was other than seeing the occasional artwork, cover, or game released every once in awhile. So for those like me not used to the source material, as best I can tell, it goes like this.
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What it’s like to join Xbox in 2020
I am now the proud owner of an Xbox One X and a satisfied subscriber of Gamepass Ultimate. So, what is it like jumping into the Xbox ecosystem from the outside, in 2020, at the tail end of the current generation? Pretty good, so far. First, a brief look at my gaming history: Born in 1985, I remember well opening up the NES for Christmas in 1990. Through the years, I’ve had at least one console each…
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MLB The Show 20 Review
The sweet smell of grass in the spring. Flowers starting to bud and bloom. The crisp evening air. The crack of a baseball bat, and the roar of the crowd. It’s Springtime — well, in any other year than 2020. And in MLB The Show 20, it’s still baseball season. In many ways, this year’s Show builds upon the games that have come before it. It features roughly the same gameplay and roughly the same modes, just fine-tuned for another…
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TT Isle of Man 2 Review
So just what is TT Isle of Man exactly? You might think oh, this is a bike racing game. You're not wrong, although I found the history behind it to be very interesting. The Isle of Man TT is run in a time-trial format on public roads closed to the public. The event consists of one week of practice sessions followed by one week of racing. It has been a tradition, dating back as far as the 1920s. More's now a video game.
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Playing MLB The Show 20 during a pandemic (First Impressions)
I am a believer that the circumstances in which you play a game can greatly influence your impressions of a game. The day I was given access to MLB The Show 20 — thanks, Sony! — I found out that the school district I live and work in would be closing for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus, COVID-19. This was also the day after I tore my meniscus, which will require a surgery that I probably won’t get…
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Nioh 2 Review
So there I am, a battle scarred worn down warrior, face to face with a giant horse-like creature easily 5 times my size. In his right hand a massive cleaver larger than myself, easily capable of taking me out with just a few hits. I have a choice to make, do I go after him with my massive Scythe or do I go after him with Dual-Wielding swords… I choose the Scythe and I charge into battle, within 30 seconds I am dead. I come back and this time think, maybe the ...
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Indie World Showcase Breakdown
So the Indie world showcase has come and gone, here is a breakdown of what was announced. Overall I think a decent showing with a few standouts but nothing earth shattering right now. Clearly some great filler games coming this year with almost all of them coming to Switch console first.
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PS5 details to drop tomorrow 3/18
Tomorrow at 9am Pacific Time, PS5 lead system architect Mark Cerny will provide a deep dive into PS5’s system architecture, and how it will shape the future of games. Watch tomorrow at PlayStation Blog: Afterwards head back on over here for our first impressions and thoughts. With us all quarantined, any news is good news! Stay Safe!…
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