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Pokémon Addiction Update

The addiction is real. Thanks to Nintendo Canada and our editor-in-chief Adam Roffel I have a new addiction. Its called Pokémon. I’ve been playing Brilliant Diamond a ton and I’m officially getting Pokémon Sword for Christmas! Let’s talk more about my Pokémon addiction.


Animal Crossing, my favorite video game series of all-time, is currently in a fight against another game. That game is… Pokémon Brilliant Diamond! What?!

I’m still a bit startled by how much I like Brilliant Diamond. I’ve had never been able to get into Pokémon before with the demos and the series never seemed like it was not my thing.

I was in high school when the first Pokémon came out. I didn’t like rpgs at the time. I wouldn’t get into the genre till the Playstation 1 rpgs. And then I was into games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.  Pokémon didn’t appeal to me. Like I said, I tried demos later on but none of them grabbed me.

When I saw the footage and screenshots for Brilliant Diamond though, I thought maybe…maybe I’ll like it. I should try reviewing one of the regular Pokémon games anyway.

I had no idea I’d be so addicted to the game! There’s just so much to see and do in this game. I’m so excited to see whats around the next corner.


And so I’ll be playing Animal Crossing New Horizons and be thinking about Pokémon. As soon as I’m done playing AC, I’ll go play more Pokémon. I’ve been staying up late playing Brilliant Diamond! I play it while I should be watching some shows or movies on TV too.

I am so addicted Pokémon. Pokémon Sword is my Christmas gift. Whoa.

This series has its hooks in me now too. You’ll always be my favorite though Animal Crossing. Don’t worry.

Stay tuned to for more on Brilliant Diamond and my new Pokémon addiction.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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