Uncharted Multiplayer DLC Will be Free says Naughty Dog
Thank God for companies like Naughty Dog and CD Projekt Red. Without their dedication to the actual consumer, we may have never seen free DLC during this current generation. Uncharted 4 developer Naughty Dog announced recently that all multiplayer DLC maps and add-ons will be free, forever.

From Naught Dog,
Right off the bat, we want to highlight that all future maps and modes will be included with Uncharted 4 at no additional cost, and all vanity and gameplay in-game store items will be unlockable through gameplay! This means that the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer community won’t be fragmented by different types of DLC, and that those who are loyal in participating in the community will be rewarded. Our DLC release approach will represent an entirely new direction for Naughty Dog, and we are confident it will have a hugely positive impact and keep the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer community thriving.

Naughty Dog has been very upfront on why they want to make sure that all DLC is available to everyone. The obvious reason is for having an equal playing field. However, they have outlined a number of reasons. Here is more from the Blog Post,
Fairness First: We strongly believe that players must be on an even playing field. To do this, we made Relics, a currency that can only be earned through gameplay and will be able to unlock all DLC, present and future. We will be putting future gameplay items ranging from Mysticals to Boosters into DLC Gameplay Chests. Each Chest will contain new gameplay items.
An Evolving Experience: We intend to keep the Uncharted 4 Multiplayer experience as fresh as possible for as long as possible. Over time, Naughty Dog will release a variety of new maps, modes and gameplay items at no additional cost (including Co-op), that will introduce new rules and play styles.

DLC Accessible to Everyone: It was our goal from the start to give players the ability to earn DLC items through gameplay. No DLC item is available exclusively using Uncharted Points.
Unified Community: The idea of delivering our DLC this way was greatly influenced by the goal of having a unified community. Maps and modes will be available to everyone on the same day. This will ensure that all players are kept together and experience new content at the same time.
We will hopefully be reviewing Uncharted 4 when it launches on May 10th, so stay tuned to Games Reviews for more on this, and all other Sony related releases.