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Red Wings: American Aces

Do you like arcade shooters? What about World War 1 video games? If the answer is yes, then you should check out this review for Red Wings: American Aces on the Nintendo Switch!


Red Wings: American Aces is arcade style shooter set during World War 1. The player controls a bi-plane that takes down enemy planes during different missions. There isn’t much to the story, but there are planes to unlock and you can upgrade your pilot too. Along with mission mode, there’s also local and online play!

The gameplay is fun and controls well. Its not an easy game though. As you progress through the missions, the enemy A.I. gets harder. Unfortunately, at the time of this review, no one could be found to test out the online. This game could be a ton of fun online though. Hopefully people will buy it and play it online.

As for its graphics Red Wings looks like a cartoon with cel-shaded artwork. It’s a very nice visual style. Audio wise, the game’s voice acting and sound effects are okay.

Overall, Red Wings is a fun game. The graphics are very nice and the gameplay is solid. If you’re looking for a fun arcade shooter, this is the game to check out. Hopefully people will start playing the online and that’ll be good. Red Wings is another nice addition to the Nintendo Switch eshop!

Red Wings: American Aces gets a 7.5 out of 10.

Thank you to Plan of Attack for providing a digital code of this game. Red Wings: American Aces is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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