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Born of Bread Gameplay Trailer

Born of Bread is an upcoming indie turn-based rpg. Check out the newest gameplay trailer for the game and our thoughts below.

Born of Bread is coming out this summer to Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC. The game is a turn-based rpg with a unique 2.5D graphical style. At first glance, it looks a little like Paper Mario but the backgrounds are much more realistic than Paper Mario. The characters a very cartoonish and flat looking though. The graphics are very nice and the gameplay looks even better.

The battles in the game are turn-based but there are also parts where you have to press a button at the right moment to get a stronger attack. And there looks like there will be a lot of exploration and some puzzles too. The storyline is supposed to be wacky. Born of Bread looks like it’ll be a fun game.

Stay tuned to for more converge of this game. Born of Bread is coming out this summer!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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