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The Callisto Protocol: Everything You Need to Know

The Callisto Protocol, a terrifying video game developed by Striking Distance Studio, has been eagerly awaited. Now that the game is out, we decided to give it a thorough examination. We made some fascinating discoveries about the Callisto Protocol, and you can learn more about them here.


Like best online lotto games, video games are a good way to pass time. So, let’s talk more about one of the recent games.

The Callisto Protocol Release Date

Striking Distance Studios released the Callisto Protocol on December 2, 2022. In early October, rumours began circulating that the studio would postpone the release of the game. However, the team denied this, maintaining that they were sticking to the previously announced release date.

One interesting late development is that the Japanese version of The Callisto Protocol won’t be released yet. The reason is that the developers refused to make the changes the local board of censors demanded.

Platforms You Can Play the Calisto Protocol On

Players can enjoy the action this horror game brings on a number of platforms. The Callisto Protocol can be accessed on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. However, it can be played on the Nintendo Switch.

We suggest going for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions to get the most out of the game. This is because they run more efficiently and have higher visual fidelity.

The Callisto Protocol Story

It’s important to know that “The Callisto Protocol” has undergone a significant shift in its narrative style. Krafton described the game as a part of an ever-expanding universe that will eventually include PUBG. However, connecting a sci-fi space horror game to a modern battle royal shooter was always going to be a stretch.

They finally learned that the game takes place on its own planet with its own canonical narrative in May of 2022. This suggests that the idea of joining sci-fi space horror and battle royale shooters was abandoned.

The story begins with a prisoner, Jacob Lee, at the infamous Black Iron Prison on Jupiter’s moon of Callisto. Things beyond his cell are completely out of control as an unknown sickness or infection ravages both inmates and guards. You are tasked with breaking out and surviving whatever hellish events are taking place so that you can leave Callisto.

The Callisto Protocol Gameplay

There is a striking similarity between the Callisto Protocol and the critically acclaimed Dead Space franchise. Glen Schofield, one of the designers of Dead Space, can be seen in a teaser discussing the game’s story.

You take control of a plodding hero with a health bar projected onto the rear of his body. Also, a variety of projectile weapons with ammo counts are shown via rear projection rather than a cumbersome HUD.

The atmospheric horror game is set in space. Here, the alien foes are human bodies that have been mutated and horribly transformed into body-horror monstrosities. We should warn you that the death animations in the game will leave permanent psychological scars.


There are a lot of parallels to be drawn, but this isn’t always a negative thing. With a remake of Dead Space on the horizon, sci-fi horror lovers have much to look forward to.

Schofield mentioned that, in classic survival horror fashion, ammo counts would be minimal at all times. Therefore, you’ll have to use the environment to your advantage. We’ve seen instances where the player uses rotating fans and vents to dispose of foes.

Grip, a tech improvement, was added to the game. It allows Jacob to hold and move heavy objects, even adversaries and offers a variety of new options.

The emphasis is definitely on horror. So even while it looks like a lot of fun, creepy things are going to happen when you least expect them to.

Gamplay Length 

Glen Schofield mentioned that The Callisto Protocol is “going towards 12-to-14 hours” in duration to complete the core story. He also claims that the game’s “beta paths” wouldn’t only provide replayability but “promote dialogues between players who took alternative routes. This will help satisfy those who want to witness more of the Black Iron Prison and its horrors.


In spite of Striking Distance Studio’s best efforts, the game ultimately falls short due to its under-optimized combat system. We’re crossing our fingers that they’ll get it fixed so players can enjoy the best possible gaming experience.


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