More Thoughts From Me: Switch 2 was revealed today…what?!
Nintendo did reveal the next Nintendo system today….and its called Switch 2. I didn’t think they’d reveal it today because they have a game coming out (Donkey Kong Country Returns HD). So the rumors being true surprised me. And now I have some thoughts on the system and some more guesses that will probably be wrong. Here we gooooo!
Nintendo shockingly revealed their next system today.
I know for many of you this wasn’t a shock. A lot of you expected the rumors about the reveal being today would be true. I didn’t believe it. Nintendo has a game coming out today, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, and while yes it is a port, I didn’t think they’d want to take attention off of it. Of course now that I’ve seen the trailer…
Well, the trailer didn’t reveal much about the new system. We saw the look of the system, we saw Mario Kart running on it, and we found out that more will be revealed in April. We still have no idea about the price of the system or what the launch games will be. I’m sure that’ll come out in April. So this doesn’t take the attention off of Donkey Kong too much.
So what do I think of the system?
Honestly, I’m a bit underwhelmed. The system looks like a Switch. Its bigger and the joycons look a little different. It has a better kickstand. I guess its going with the DS to 3DS hardware change. Those two systems looked a lot of alike. Also…its just called “Switch 2”. Really? Thats pretty basic. Its very much in the Playstation type of branding as far as system names. I expected a bit more of Nintendo. Yes I know everyone was calling it the “Switch 2” but I never expected it would actually be called that. Yeah I was wrong about a lot of things.
So where we go from here? Do I have any guesses about pricing or launch games? Yes, okay I have some guesses but since I was wrong about when they’d reveal it, I’m probably wrong about this too.
Okay, let’s start with pricing: I think it’ll cost $450 (US). Nintendo isn’t going to want the system to be too high. I think 450 is not too bad. I know I can’t afford that but many other people could. I don’t think there will be two systems. Nintendo did mention the system being able to play physical and digital games. So no digital only system. At launch, it’ll just be one system and one price. They’ll get around to doing another version of the system eventually.
What about launch games?
Well, since they showed Mario Kart, I think we may get a brand-new Mario Kart at launch or launch year. Its been awhile since we’ve had a new one. The one we got on the Switch was just the one from the Wii U with more levels and characters. A brand new one would be pretty exciting. Imagine if it was released at launch! Mario Kart for Switch 2 would be a huge system seller.
As for other games, its likely Nintendo will have a game like 1-2 Switch. Not exactly that but something that shows off what the new system can do. We may see one other release from Nintendo. Maybe Metroid Prime 4 for Switch 2? It depends on when that game is coming out if it makes it for launch.
We’ll see plenty of Switch 2 third party support too. After the success of the Switch, third parties are going to get on board asap. I’m not sure how powerful the new system will be. We’ve heard some rumors about some huge third party games and I’m not sure if I believe that. My guess: we could see Final Fantasy 7 Remake on Switch 2 at launch because that game was on the PS4. Here’s hoping Switch 2 is as powerful as that system. We’ll see something from Ubisoft, Square Enix, Konami, Capcom, basically most of the big players either at launch or close to launch. They will all want to be in on this system.
Its very hard to guess too many games that’ll come out since we just don’t know about its power yet. I’m pretty sure there won’t be an Animal Crossing at launch or even this year. For me, an Animal Crossing at launch would make me lose my mind and want to buy the thing right away. Not sure how I’d do that….
Anyway, there’s a lot to think about with this system.
Oh wait, one more thing: when will it come out? My guess? Holiday 2025. We know its coming out this year, not when and I think Nintendo will want to sell this system at the right time and that would be the holidays. But then again, the first system came out in March so Nintendo could sell this thing in the summer. It won’t be May since thats one month after all the games are revealed. I don’t know. I still think it’ll be Holiday 2025. November!
Of course, I’ve been wrong before…
More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Even though I’m underwhelmed by this video, I still wish I could get the system.