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Super Smash Brothers Wii U/3DS Announced, New Challengers Approach

That there were two Super Smash Brothers games in development was no secret, but it was still great to get that first look in today’s Nintendo Direct. The cel-shaded 3DS version that looked nice and smooth, if a little rough when made to fit a TV screen, and the sharp HD Wii U version. These are both going to end up as top games on their respective consoles, if only by their doing more of the same, but with better graphics.

The trailer mixed both CGI and in-game footage to show off what the next game (or set of games) will be capable of. Although not much was shown of the 3DS version, the thick black Walking Dead-esque lines that make up a key component of the art design are certainly striking. It looked as quick as the console version, but here’s hoping that the net matches are good enough to support decent online play this time around.

The Wii U version is equally as striking, maybe because this is the first time we’ve seen many of these characters in proper HD, based on models from games presumably in development right now.

Two new characters were announced in the debut trailer. The Villager from Animal Crossing is a familar face and a welcome addition to the Nintendo-picked Roster, but it’s the reveal of Mega Man that is perhaps one of the most exciting things about the video. Only slightly outdone by the reveal of Sonic in Brawl, Mega Man is one of the most requested characters, beating out even the likes of Sora and Frog.

mega man smash_690x388


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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