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Chicken Wiggle for the Nintendo Switch?

Chicken Wiggle on the 3DS is a great game. Check out my review here. I highly recommend the game if you have a 3DS. Of course, if you just have a Nintendo Switch, then you are all out of luck at the moment. Chicken Wiggle is not on the Switch right now. But…it could be on the system eventually…


On twitter today, Jools Watsham from Atooi announced that they are “Gauging interest…via a kickstarter campaign” of bringing Chicken Wiggle to the Nintendo Switch. The game would be called Chicken Wiggle: Re-Hatched!

The game would be a port of the wonderful 3DS game, with the level editor and online sharing. There would also be brand new “HD artwork”. A retro option would be included too. The game will also be able to access levels created on the 3DS (and Switch levels will be playable on the 3DS game!).

Personally, I’d love to see this game on the Nintendo Switch. I loved the game on 3DS but I do know that the game didn’t get as much attention as it should have on the system. Hopefully Nintendo Switch owners would pay close attention to this game! I’m sure it’ll be a blast on the Switch.

Have you played Chicken Wiggle on the 3DS? If not, why not?! Best of luck to Jools Watsham and Atooi on their campaign!



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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